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QUICK=SEAL 516 is a single component fast setting hydraulic cement powder comprising of graded fine sand  and specially formulated additives. When mixed with water, it becomes a fast setting repair mortar, which expands and bonds tenaciously to substreate, thus stopping running water and leakages through cracks. 


Size: 2.5 kg


Common Application: 
Stops leakages and seepage through general masonry, concrete pipes and sleeves. It can be used above and below grade to plug holes, static cracks and faults. 
Commonly Used in basements, foundations, retaining walls, elevator pits, well, mines, tunnels, cofferdams. 
Anchoring Bolts, dowels and metals fixtures in wet conditions. Can be used to install equipment or railings and to anchor machines.


Product Features: 
Plugs cracks in concrete and masonry surface immediately  
Fast Setting
Fully hydaurlic-therefore, reduce permeability 
High early and ultimate compressive tensile strength
Non-metallic and non toxic 
Chloride free 


How to use: 
Ensure that  areas to be plugged is free from any loose concrete, laitance using wire brush or suitable tools.
Wear rubber or polyethene gloves
MIx QUICSEAL 516 by hand in the ratio of 4:1 ( powder : water) 
Mix for 15 seconds. Work into a suitable shape for application for a further 15 seconds and then plug hole. 

hold the QUICSEAL 516 mixture in one hand until the mixture starts to slightly harden. Press it firmly into the hole or crack. Apply pressure until area is hardened. Shave off excess mixture has soon as the initial set has taken place. 


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